Below you will find a list of what I have packed in my birth bag. These essentials helped me in my past labor and deliveries. This 4th time around I’ve added witch hazel and snacks. Please comment if you have any other good birth bag must haves as well! Cozy socks – the hospital provides […]

My Birth Bag Must-Haves

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! Moms can do it all. You are like a nurse, taking care of your little when they’re hurt. You are like a book, teaching important lessons. You are like a flashlight, shining light to show the way. You are like a teddy bear, providing comfort when it’s needed. You are like a […]

Happy Mother’s Day

In October of last year, I was on the fence about joining a wellness company that I was introduced to. I kept holding it off because of the unknown and I was unsure of where to start. In the back of my mind, I was always thinking that this would be a great way to […]

Join My VIP Savings

So, I decided that our family will do new year cards this year to end 2022 and start 2023 instead of Christmas cards like we usually do. I’m happy with how they turned out. I actually purchased the template at the beginning of December and filled in all of the font, then we took photos […]

Our Year In Review Card