I finally launched the special project I’ve been working on for 7 months… I am so excited to finally share my first Neu home product with you! It all started with a passion for candles, good scents, and aesthetics that bring a wonderful neutral ambiance to my home.  I chose these candles to be in […]

My First Neu Home Product

For our home the most important room is our kitchen as we spend the most time in it. For me it is very important that our produce, foods, and drinks stay most fresh for as long as possible. I will list some easy and effective ways that I clean and maintain our refrigerator to keep […]

Tips For a Clean and Fresh Refrigerator

Having a clean and organized space can have an impact on your overall health and happiness. ‘Spring cleaning’ can be done at any time of the year, between two seasons. TIP OF THE WEEK: clear out clutter in your living space to help clear your mind. My #1 rule when it comes to de-cluttering my […]

Tips To De-Clutter And Clean