Breathing Basics

I became more aware of my breathing ever since I became more active in my workout programs and exercises. It does matter when to inhale and exhale during push or pull exercises and during all movements.

When I am working out, I always notice that there is a difference in my energy as I am able to do more reps effectively when I am breathing properly, especially when I am lifting heavier weights.

Breathing is the most important function of the body and doing it properly is essential to our health. When you are more aware of your breathing and know of ways to improve it if needed, you can also improve the quality of your health physically and internally.

Breathing directly regulates the way our body works through blood flow, kidney function, blood pressure, and even posture. I believe it is most important today to start paying attention to your breathing and to retrain your breathing after what we have gone through since 2020 when covid hit. For some of us, wearing masks most of the day was not easy. Wearing a mask isn’t ideal for proper breathing and it definitely is unnatural. To me, without breath there is no life. Breathing is life!

Hā” (Breath of Life)

I’ve recently been practicing different breathing techniques. Below is a guide for you to try for yourself. It’s the 4-7-8 breath count. Follow the slides below and try it out. This 4-7-8 breath count can help you to recenter and refocus through each day…
