My Birth Bag Must-Haves

Below you will find a list of what I have packed in my birth bag. These essentials helped me in my past labor and deliveries. This 4th time around I’ve added witch hazel and snacks. Please comment if you have any other good birth bag must haves as well!

Cozy socks – the hospital provides socks, but it you want your own bring about 2 pairs.

Robe and sweats – it can get cold during your stay in the hospital so think, “warm clothes.”

Maternity Bras – especially if you plan to breastfeed as it is easier for you and baby. I recommend 100% cotton maternity bras.

Maternity underwear – the hospital also provides underwear. I love to use 100% cotton.

Hair Bands – it’s best to keep your hair up and out of your face so pack at least 5-7 bands or head bands.

Toiletries – toothbrush, toothpaste, face wash, toner, moisturizer, lotion, body butter, oils

Lip Balm – A HUGE MUST HAVE, thank me later 😉

Nipple Butter – another HUGE MUST HAVE if you plan to breastfeed. I use the Earth Mama brand, highly recommend.

Witch Hazel – I add it into my pads and freeze them. If the hospital does not let you freeze them, it’s still good to just have so that you can add it into your pads without freezing them.

Paperwork – Insurance information, birth plan, etc.

Going-Home Clothes – loose clothing, maternity clothes, long dress, shoes, slippers. Think, “comfortable.”

Camera – If the hospital doesn’t provide professional photography, a camera or a phone will do the job. I will let you know the apps that I use to make our photos look “professional” enough 🙂

Cell phone – don’t forget your charger!

Snacks – let your partner take care of this one. Mini cooler if needed.

If there’s anything I missed, please comment below. I am always open to new ideas and suggestions or feel free to email me at