Simple Steps To Be Healthier

There are many ways to start a healthier lifestyle today. Living a healthier lifestyle can be simple and you can kickstart it or reset it at any time. Living a healthy lifestyle basically means that the quality of your life is enhanced, and you continue to feel better every day.

The best and most simple way to start is to get moving. You can incorporate more movement into your daily routines. Here are some of the ways I get more movement / activity. I hope you will try them all out. You will feel the difference, big or small 🙂

  1. Make the bed after waking up in the morning
  2. When walking, maintain your posture and keep it brisk to burn more calories
  3. Move your feet before and after you eat as it helps to maintain your weight, improve your digestion, and stabilize your blood sugar levels
  4. If you’re sitting down most of the day: set an alarm to stand up every 20-30 minutes
  5. When driving to work, the mall, or grocery store, appointments, etc: park farther from the entrance
  6. If there are options to take the stairs or the elevator, choose the stairs
  7. While watching television: do simple exercises and stretches

Being active is an important part of being healthy, and what we intake into our bodies are just as important. Drinking water and eating healthy foods give us energy to get moving.

For drinking water I’ve researched pH levels and why it matters. I’ve learned that alkaline water can be beneficial for health. Some proponents of alkaline water of pH levels 8+ can neutralize body acid. “Alkaline water has numerous health benefits, including reducing the symptoms of acid reflux and neutralizing the acid present in the bloodstream.” Next time you purchase a water bottle, look for the pH level of 8.0 or more. It will assist your body’s oxygen levels to go up, therefore increasing your energy and metabolism.

For foods I always eat some fruit for my snack between breakfast and lunch, then almonds or cashews / protein bar between lunch and dinner. Of course, my meals throughout the day will include vegetables and salads. Sticking with foods from the earth is always the best way to eat healthy.

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[1] 10 Alkaline Water Benefits You Didn’t Know, December 13, 2017. (